Meet me: Sarah S. Davis
If I had to choose to live without books or medicine for the rest of my life, I would live without medicine. I absolutely believe in the healing power of stories in all their forms and their ability to soothe and save lives.

Broke by Books is the manifestation of my passion for sharing stories of others and some of my own.
My background
I attended the University of Pennsylvania and majored in English, receiving my BA in 2011. I studied mainly 17th-to-20th century British prose and poetry, with a little creative writing and film thrown in the mix.
After graduation I worked as a content developer and copyeditor. Later, I was hired as a Kirkus Reviews book reviewer and got addicted to the thrill of writing about my passion—books—for a living. I left my office job, took an internship at an academic library, and enrolled in the Master of Library and Information Science program at Clarion University of Pennsylvania, from which I graduated in May 2017.
Since creating this blog in November 2014, my writing about books has appeared on Kirkus Reviews, Book Rags, Penguin Random House, Barnes and Noble, and EBSCO’s NoveList.
Now I’m focused on telling stories of my own. I graduated from Vermont College of Fine Arts’s MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults in 2021.
About my blog
You can read more about the blog’s vision statement, mission, and history here. Take a look around the site and let me know if you have any questions or if there’s a review you’d like to see.
You can contact me through my email: sarahsdaviswrites(at)gmail(dot)com