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Recommended Reads | February 2025

With this post, I’m bringing back my monthly Recommended Reads report. This recurring feature is a roundup of what I’ve been reading over the last month, along with several books I recommend. These essays are always published first in The

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a list of the best mystery books for kids

The 25 Best Mystery Books for Kids

The. best mystery books for kids are engrossing and engaging, intriguing and interesting. In this roundup of the best middle grade mystery books, you’ll find an assortment of different kinds of mystery


The 30 Best Books about Music

The best books about music translate this art form in ways we humans can appreciate. It’s probably no surprise to anyone that most humans enjoy music, so naturally the best books with

The best books about fashion

The 25 Best Books about Fashion

The best books about fashion celebrate the most influential fashion designers, fashion houses, and everyday fashionistas. This list of the best fashion books covers everything from histories of powerful designers, essential magazines,
