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5 Books I’m Looking Forward to This Summer

I’m back to blogging! It’s been an eventful last sixteen months as I have had to decide which way to pivot after this blog, my beloved Broke by Books, has seen a catastrophic collapse in traffic after I, like many,

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The 20 Best Books about Football

The best books about football capture the glory, complexity, passion, ambition, history, and future surrounding “America’s Game.” I myself am a huge football fan and follow it at the high school, college,


The 16 Best Books about Tea

The best books about tea cover a range of topics in the world of tea. And it’s precisely that diversity of tea-related subjects that you’ll find in this list of the best


The 20 Best Anxiety Books

The best anxiety books give you relief from your struggles with anxious thoughts, phobias, panic attacks, and social anxiety. Similar to our roundups of the best books about bipolar disorder and the

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